The valid.js module provides JavaScript validation framework compatible with NITRO JavaScript client library. The size of valid.js is 16 kilobytes.


Client JavaScript validation functions that may prevent sending NITRO #pickle events.

money(e, min, max, msg)

Checks that input value is money.

pay(e, min, max, deptype, msg)

Checks that input value is acceptable payment amount of money.


Checks that input value is date.

card(e, msg)

Checks that input value is EMV credit card.

phone(e, minLength, maxLength)

Checks that input value is phone.

min(e, min)

Checks input float value against minimum threshold.

length(e, minlength, maxlength)

Checks input string value against minimum and maximum threshold.


Checks calendar input value against minimum and maximum threshold.

You may also want to read: form.